Here, There and Everywhere
I guess I'll celebrate my clumsy attempt to get back into the bloggin' thang by celebrating a similarly clumsy effort to be clever by our old friend Tom Connolly. The celebrated criminal defense lawyer and former Democratic candidate for Governor seems to have taken the idea of Halloween one step too far while exhibiting himself along the siderail of a South Portland bridge.
Speaking of bridges, the Boston Globe was good enough to wax philosophical about Augusta's quandry over the new Memorial Bridge, which I hope never includes the jump protection fence locals are looking to install.

This is great shot of the newly refurbished bridge by Flickrguy pocketflyer25
Enough about all that. This is about two things -- sport and the election.
How 'bout them Patriots? Big win last night sets up a huge couple of weeks, as the Globe's Eric Wilbur observes. This includes match ups against the Bears ... and more pressingly for me, against the Colts.
My household, and its share of midwestern roots, is apt to witness some of the anxiety described by the Indianapolis Star as it prepares for the big match-up. In Belichick we trust ...

Oh yeah, and UMaine Hockey won again, beating UMass over the weekend to keep the undefeated season alive.
Election Fever
Lots to type about as I watch Ben Watson steer me away from fantasy football oblivion.
Shoe-in - big time!
In Maine, the Press Herald was busy over the weekend. Here's a Bill Nemitz column weighing in on Rep. Tom Allen's mindset as Election Day and the possibility of the Democrats retaking the House approach. Bart Jansen describes the potential perks on the horizon for Allen and 2nd Dist. Rep. Mike Michaud if the national polls hold up for their team. The Portsmouth Herald observes that Allen has done right by Maine ... and the voters will likely do right by him at the polls.
TABOR: They Want to Kill Your Kittens, too.
The Press Herald also observes that TABOR Splits Maine. Angus King makes his opposition to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights clearly known in a kinda kitchy Q&A format noting:
"The truth is that if we want a more prosperous future in Maine we have do two things at the same time — lower taxes and invest. TABOR might drive taxes down, but it would make the investments impossible — and without them, we’re stuck. Lower taxes and perennially poor doesn’t sound like much of a future to me."Surprisingly, the Maine Chapter of the Heritage Foundation announces TABOR is a swell idea, this time trying the "No, no, no. Seriously, this won't hurt a bit" approach.
The Governor's race has been quiet since last week witnessed independent Barbara Merrill getting good press nearly every day last week, while the face of GOP candidate Chandler Woodcock seemed daily pasted under a not-so-good headline.

Just as hot but not reported as hotly is the race for the state Legislature, as the Lewiston Sun-Journal reports. Local races down my way seem have tight enough to draw out the Governor to the stump.
As expected, Al Diamon was good enough to wax cheeky about the run for the Legislature now that Election Day is nigh.

Al Diamon
Looking outside Maine ...
Just to the South, the Globe provides this poll piece observing that the Dems are looking to storm the Governor's mansion on the back of Deval Patrick.
The Washington Post goes more macro with this piece, Midterm Vote May Define Roves Legacy, which includes this view into the Dem psyche:
"The flip side of adulation is paranoia. Many Democrats are convinced Rove has some trick up his sleeve -- Osama bin Laden in the freezer, perhaps, ready for release just before Election Day – that will save the Republicans from electoral disaster this fall."
. . .
"While Rove's confidence in the midterms does not waver, he said the conservative changes that Bush has promoted do not hinge on just one election: "1938 was a huge wipeout for the Democrats -- do you think that was the end of the New Deal?"
Ouch. Still obsessed with FDR and the New Deal. Get over it!
EJ Dionne offers a few thoughts on the Michigan Governor's race.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm: Michigan's Little Tulip
MSNBC has a nice election overview piece aptly terming the Midwest The Killing Fields. While we're out there, the Trib observes that Rep. John Hostettler told a certain President to take a hike rather than campaign on his behalf. Time Magazine says Hostettler is like a lot of GOP incumbents – in trouble.
In the next district over, the Louisville Courier-Journal observes that Rep. Mike Sodrel wasnt so willing to diss the prez. The Courier-Journal, it should be stated, likes The Other Guy better.
That's about it for now. Voting and football. Bring forth the 2nd Tuesday so we can move on to bigger things ... like ... uhhh ... well, I'll come up with something.