Taking on the Savage within ...
I received an email from the Knox County Democrats today announcing the campaign kick-off for Scott Barrows.
Barrows is a fellow from Warren who now lives in Rockland and is taking-on Sen. Christine Savage in the November general election.
Scott will host a Campaign Kick-Off Event at Knox Co. Democratic HQ, 77 Union St, Rockland, on Tuesday, July 25, from 5-7 PM.
I wish Scott the best of luck. He faces the difficult task of taking on an entrenched incumbent with strong support in the rural(er) sections of Knox Co.
Savage has held the seat since 2000 when she emerged in an open contest to fill the seat after Chellie Pingree opted to fight Susan Collins for her U.S. Senate seat.
Since, Savage has maintained her Republican support through voting the strict right-wing party line while honestly and earnestly maintaining the bipartisan image of a nice lady -- a tough act to beat up our way.
Legislative scorecards for Christine Savage = She no good!
Jerry Falwell wants you to vote for Christine Savage
League of Conservation Voters says she votes against its position 55 % of the time. See above link.
Maine Peoples Alliance says she opposed its position EVERY time.
Maine Women's Lobby says she opposed its position on everything except a bill to permit inclusion of "Abstinence Only" education in public schools and the Motherhood Protection Act, which both tracks homicides against pregnant women and sets the stage to make murder of a pregnant women a double homicide (i.e. killing a fetus = murder).
In short, she votes conservative nearly all the time. If this ain't your cup of tea, give Mr. Barrows some consideration.
Speaking of Falwell, did you see that he pulled out of a sermon on Peaks Island, citing concern about the island's distance from a cardiac care center?
I guess faith in the lord don't extend to trusting Peaks Island's EMTs....
2:03 PM
It's odd that I now know more about Maine politics than most that actually live there...
Maybe I should set up a false voter registration a la Stephen Goldsmith... Oops, wrong state...
8:12 AM
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10:37 AM
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That said ... legal pot .... SWEEEET!!!
9:07 PM
It always amazes me that the rural areas of Maine (and other parts of the U.S.) continue to be duped by the right-wing's bait-and-switch tactics.
Working class people are certainly no better off with BushCo; in fact, the conservative tactic is to shift tax burdens from the rich, to the working class.
In my own corner of Maine (Durham), we have two right-wing nitwits (Lois Snowe-Mello and Mike Vaughn) who are to the right of most anyone else.
6:12 AM
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