Quick Long Weekend Hits
We just returned from an amazing extended weekend trip to Western Maine. More on that later, once I get the photos posted on my Flickr site.
Not Western Maine
The Mrs. and I saw An Inconvenient Truth tonight at the Bayview Street Cinema. What can I say? It delivers on all of my hopes. Now, if only we can honor the director's plea and convince others to go and see it who might not otherwise do so ...
By the way, here are a few more Courier-Gazette letters to the Editor including this one by the Honorable Sen. Elizabeth Mitchell in response to this guy's ignored call to arms. At least I'm not alone in my opinion.
Nina Totenberg filed this audio story wrapping up the Supreme Court's term.
While we're on NPR, this one is a pretty interesting way to celebrate the Fourth on radio. NPR regulars take turns reading excerpts on the Declaration of Independence.
This NY Times featured home is pretty chose to me -- right across Penobscot Bay.
This one is for my good friends John and Tim -- at least you didn't have your fish murdered ...
I'm looking forward to "Spaceman: A Baseball Chronicle," the NESN movie about Bill Lee. NESN premier on July 12. Here's a review in some Connecticut newspaperBring forth and view with glee!
Oh yeah, speaking of glee ... Kenneth Lay died. Pardon me for feeling no sympathy or restraint on this one. The guy got off lucky, despite what Washington Post's Andrew Cohen says. Do I wish that Jeff Fastow got/gets it worse than Lay? Sure. But how is there any justice in Lay's cash now getting buried where his defraudees can't get it? As this NY Times reporter notes, the Enron employees are the ones not getting off easy
I wanted to say that I finally got caught up from the weekend and saw your letter in print in the good ol' Courier Gazette; nice work. Have you noticed that the right like to trade in opinions and talking points and when confronted with stats and evidence shut up rather quickly?
Also, unbeknownst to you I imagine, my wife runs the Bayview Street Cinema- we'd both like to say thanks for the plug and the custom!
8:17 AM
My pleasure. I would like to see some numbers about how well the film is doing at each of the cinemas -- does Bayview compile numbers or send out press releases to the papers? Hmmm. Maybe it's just a phone call that's needed.
11:10 AM
We've probably averaged 125 people per show - as opposed to this winter when we maybe had 200 people a week. The response has been tremendous.
11:20 AM
Cool. Thanks for the data. That's an impressive and inspiring stat.
10:48 AM
Enjoyed the post. I'm also looking forward to watching the Bill Lee movie. I have an interesting anecdote about Lee's barnstorming days and a trip he made to Maine, back in '93. Maybe I'll blog about it at some point.
Enjoying your Maine-centric postings.
5:24 PM
I'll look for the Spaceman post. Apparently, he used to hang around some kinda amateur (or semi-pro?) league/camp that a former colleague of my wife's attended. Long story short, he was good enough to get a signed ball for me that I will long treasure. The signature? "Bill Lee: Planet Earth"
7:42 AM
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